Home Applications Dynamic SQL to Dynamic Object

Dynamic SQL to Dynamic Object

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📟 ObjectScript function to convert any sql query into a dynamic object

What's new in this version

Updated for compatibility with programming contest

Dynamic SQL to Dynamic Object



This is an ObjectScript function to convert any sql query into a dynamic object. This returned object will have a key/value pair based on the fieldname and value from the query’s result set. The function also has helpful optional parameters to let you switch namespaces on a per-query basis, and change the mode and dialect.


Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.


Open terminal and clone/git pull the repo into any local directory

$ git clone git@github.com:DaveAldon/Dynamic-SQL-to-Dynamic-Object.git

Open the terminal in this directory and run:

$ docker-compose build
  1. Run the IRIS container with your project:
$ docker-compose up -d

How to Run the Application

For a quick SQL demo, below includes instructions on installing the samples data and then using the application on it.

Open InterSystems IRIS terminal:

$ docker-compose exec iris iris session iris
zpm: IRISAPP>install samples-aviation

IRISAPP>write ##class(SQLtoObject.SQLtoObject).Build("SELECT AircraftCategory FROM Aviation.Aircraft","IRISAPP").%ToJSON()
[{"AircraftCategory":"Airplane"},{"AircraftCategory":"Airplane"},{"AircraftCategory":"Airplane"}... etc.

How to start coding

This repository is ready to code in VSCode with ObjectScript plugin.
Install VSCode, Docker and ObjectScript plugins and open the folder in VSCode.

Right-click on docker-compose.yml file and click Compose Restart

Once docker will finish starting procedure and show:

Creating objectscript-contest-template_iris_1 ... done

Click on the ObjectScript status bar and select Refresh connection in the menu.
Wait for VSCode to make connection and show something like “localhost:32778[IRISAPP] - Connected”

You can start coding after that. Open SQLtoObject.cls in VSCode, make changes and save - the class will be compiled by IRIS on ‘Save’.


This function aims to be a one-stop shop for your sql needs, and is especially useful if you need the output eventually converted into json, as shown in previously, and later in the examples section. There are four parameters to the Build function that should be understood before using this code:

  • Query (Required String): The query string that will be run
  • Namespace (Optional String): Default Value = “” - Runs the query on the defined namespace
  • Mode (Optional String): Default Value = “0” - Determines which mode the query will be run on
  • Dialect (Optional String): Default Value = “IRIS” - Determines which dialect the query will use


Mode values are as follows:

  • 0: Logical
  • 1: ODBC
  • 2: Display


For more information on these different dialect options, see this article.

  • Sybase
  • IRIS
  • CACHE (If using older versions)

Example Usage

This code assumes installation of the samples package like so:

$ docker-compose exec iris iris session iris
zpm: IRISAPP>install samples-aviation

Then run the following:

IRISAPP> write ##class(SQLtoObject.SQLtoObject).Build("SELECT AircraftCategory FROM Aviation.Aircraft","SAMPLES")

IRISAPP> write ##class(SQLtoObject.SQLtoObject).Build("SELECT AircraftCategory FROM Aviation.Aircraft","SAMPLES").%ToJSON()
[{"AircraftCategory":"Airplane"},{"AircraftCategory":"Airplane"},{"AircraftCategory":"Airplane"}... etc.

SQL errors will be written out immediately, and logic errors will be returned in the return object

Version history

2020-03-22 - v1.1 - Compatibility with the InterSystems Online Programming Contest 2020

2019-07-18 - v1.0 - Initial commit of function with features outlined in description

Made with
1.0.122 Mar, 2020
Developer Environment
Works with
CachéInterSystems IRIS
First published
19 Jul, 2019
Last edited
22 Mar, 2020
Last checked by moderator
26 Nov, 2024Works