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This repository provides sample code that shows how you can customize the InterSystems IRIS for Health FHIR Repository.
It was originally created along with a presentation delivered at InterSystems Global Summit 2023.
The InterSystems IRIS for Health FHIR Repository is a world class FHIR Repository, and in more than 80% of the cases the out-of-the-box capabilities will be sufficient
When you need extra capabilities, it is easy to extend.
hese are a number of examples of why you would customize your InterSystems IRIS for Health FHIR Repository:
In this repo we have addresses the following use cases:
This repo shows various things you can do to enrich resources before these are returned, specifically:
In HL7 FHIR, resources use Reference properties to link to other resources. Just like in Relational Databases, it makes sense that a FHIR Repository ensures Referential Integrity for those references. For example, when you create an Observation with a reference to a specific Patient resource, the FHIR Repository should first ensure that this Patient resource exists. Turning this around, it should also not be possible to delete a resource while there are still other resources that depend on it! In this repo, we have implemented:
Referential Integrity for create, update and delete
Processing of logical and conditional references by adding the literal reference.
This repo can be run using docker compose:
`docker-compose up`
After starting, you can access the following URLs:
This repo enables $$$FSLog after creating the FHIR Repository through the command
set ^FSLogChannel("all") = 1
set ^HS.FHIRServer("dev") = 1
You can view the FSLog global using http://localhost:32783/csp/healthshare/fhir/GJ.Log.cls
A Postman collection is available to test the customizations
The following InterSystems IRIS for Health Documentation is helpful as background information:
The InterSystems IRIS for Health FHIR Repository
The FHIR specification
Background for Programmers
There are no known bugs at this point in time
Use or operation of this code is subject to acceptance of the license available in the code repository for this code.