Home Applications COS-ISOS-foreach-command


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ZZFOREACH command + $$$FOREACH macro

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FOREACH for ObjectScript

As you know ObjectScript has no FOREACH system command nor system function.
But it has a wide room for creativity.

The task is to loop over a global or local array and do something FOR EACH element.

There are 2 possible solutions:

  • creating a macro that generates the required code sequences
  • creating an Extended Command to perform the action.
    Both ways are presented here.
    The macro is a generic and quite flexible solution and easy to adapt if required.
##; ZFOREACHMACRO ; macro definitions
##; %key = variable provide to loop trough array
##; %arr = the gobal or local array to be looped on
##; %the method or routine to be executed for each node.
##; $$$foreach = forward loop $$$foreeachR = reverse loop
#define foreach(%key,%arr,%do) set %key="" for  set %key=$o(%arr(%key)) q:%key=""  do %do
#define foreachR(%key,%arr,%do) set %key="" for  set %key=$o(%arr(%key),-1) q:%key=""  do %do

You simply include the macro and apply it.

test $$$foreach(key,^rcc,show)   
show zwrite @$zr,! quit   

Creating a command extension is available for all namespaces.

It needs to be included in %ZLANGC00.mac by #include ZZFOREACH
the related code is here:

##; run $order() ascending or descending on global or local arrays  
##; pass semicolon separated parameter string ("%array;%do;%fwd,;%key")  
##; %array = global or local variable name  
##; %do = routine or method to be executed for each run   
##; %fwd = 1/-1 loop direction ascending / descending, default = 1   
##; %key = first key if existing  
ZZFOREACH(%par) public {  
 set %par=$lfs(%par,";")
 new %array,%do,%fwd,%key,%val
 set %array=$lg(%par,1),%do=$lg(%par,2),%fwd=$lg(%par,3),%key=$lg(%par,4)
 if '%fwd set %fwd=1
 if %key]"" set %key=$o(@%array@(%key),$s(%fwd<1:-1,1:1))
 for  set %key=$o(@%array@(%key),%fwd,%val) quit:%key=""  do @%do
 quit 1 

In addition to the macro, the command allows optionally to run zzFOREACH
from a provided starting point forward or backward.

DEMO>zzforeach "^rcc;show^dump(%array,%key,%val)"
^rcc(1) = 1
^rcc(2) = 2
^rcc(3) = 3
^rcc(4) = 4
^rcc(5) = 5

or from subscript 3:

DEMO>zzforeach "^rcc;show^dump(%array,%key,%val);;3"
^rcc(3) = 3
^rcc(4) = 4
^rcc(5) = 5

or the same reverse:

DEMO>zzforeach "^rcc;show^dump(%array,%key,%val);-1;3"
^rcc(3) = 3
^rcc(2) = 2
^rcc(1) = 1

Article in DC

Made with
0.0.520 Apr, 2022
ObjectScript quality test
Technology Example
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InterSystems IRISCachéEnsemble
First published
16 Feb, 2021
Last edited
05 Nov, 2023
Last checked by moderator
31 Jan, 2025Works