Home Applications BeI-MultiModel


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We've used a IRIS backend that is called via a REST-API from a react frontend application.

What's new in this version

Some improvements



This is a personal project, by Bert Sarens and myself, meant for the Intersystems Multi-model contest.

The goal of this application was to build a product filter that was capable of filtering large amounts of products on a large amount of filters.
This project uses objects, some sql access to these objects and plain global access for the indexing.

We’ve used a IRIS backend that is called via a REST-API from a react frontend application.

As a test we’ve tried this on 1.000.001 products with about 100 filter posibilities.
forcing a product to be the last entry and specifying a filter that would only match the last entry took 0.6 seconds to yield the result.


The code for this application can be installed through ZMP. This will install all the classes needed and will run a seed command to seed a demo database containing 100000 records.

Attention: The react front-end app is not included in the ZPM package.


This project has some dependencies:

  • Node
  • NPM
  • Docker
  • Docker-Compose


To setup this code follow these steps:

  1. clone the repository to a folder on your computer
    git clone https://github.com/ivove/BeI-MultiModel.git
    next check out the 1.1.0 release
    git checkout R_1.1.0
  2. Create a folder “files” under the root directory of the repo you just cloned
    cd BeI-Multimodel #only do this if you haven't already entered the directory
    mkdir files
  3. Start the docker container
    docker-compose up -d
  4. Install the application and seed some testdata
    npm run seed
  5. install the required frontend packages to run the app
    cd my-app
    npm install

These steps should get you ready to start testing.

Testing the app

The following is a short description on how to test the application.

First step is to start the application. We can do this from a terminal prompt by starting in the my-app directory and executing the following:

   npm run start

this should start a webserver listening on port 3000 and automaticly opening a browser showing the page

The following image briefly shows the interface. With the posibility to

  • filter on some filters (for exemple screen size)
  • search on the name
  • change the sortorder
  • use the pageing to change the page
  • setting the page size

Something extra: running the watcher for cls

in the root directory

  npm install
  npm run watch

Improvements to make

  • Faster filter count speed
  • Splitting source data from the filter so the product is easier usable in other projects
  • boolean properties
Made with
zpm install BeI-MultiModel
1.1.123 Jan, 2021
ObjectScript quality test
Technology Example
Works with
InterSystems IRIS
First published
16 Jan, 2021
Last edited
25 Jan, 2021