Add some new features
zpm bardpythonsample
irispip install –target D:\work\iris\mgr\python GoogleBard
irispip install –target D:\work\iris\mgr\python PyQt5
Open Google Chrome, log in to Bard, F12 to view the Application and obtain the required cookie value
Replace to the desired location
Replace the gif image in the normal folder with your preferred format, naming it normal1. gif, normal2. gif, etc
Replace the gif image in the click folder with your favorite one, which shows the status of the application when clicked
Replace the file URL in with the local environment
w ##class(EmbeddedPython.Bard).Call(“Hello”)
2.Application Testing
irispython C:\InterSystems\IRISHealth\mgr\python\
Right click to query iris runtime or dialogue
If you want to add other functions,Add corresponding menus in the following locations