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zpip, an irispython pip wrapper
%SYS> zpm "install zpip"
// OR
zpm:%SYS> install zpip
%SYS> zpip "install "
Note! You must use
uninstall -y
for the command to work correctly.
%SYS> zpip "uninstall -y <package>"
irispython -m pip
to function. eg;zpip "uninstall -y <package>"
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zpip, an irispython pip wrapperSYNOPSIS
zpip " [pip command] "DESCRIPTION
zpip can be used like the python pip package but from the
InterSystems terminal.Use zpip just like any other pip command but wrap your command with double-quotes. Usable in terminal and in app code.
install 1 package (requests): NS> zpip "install requests" install multiple packages (requests twilio bs4) NS> zpip "install twilio bs4" install with target directory (numpy) NS> zpip "install --target '/usr/irissys/lib/python' numpy"
zpip should be run as a %All user, other configurations are
not in scope.zpip can only be used on InterSystem IRIS version >= 2022.1. zpip may work on 2021.2, but that version lacks key python features. zpip makes no guarantees of security. Install packages and run pip commands at your own risk! In general, irispython pip fails when packages require sudo, root, or admin accessis required to install a package
Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.
Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory
$ git clone https://github.com/nickmitchko/zpip.git
Open the terminal in this directory and run:
$ docker-compose build
Run IRIS container with your project:
$ docker-compose up -d
Test from docker console
$ docker-compose exec iris1 iris session iris
or using WebTerminal