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Added OS support. On windows, uses wsl or powershell (if wsl not available). On Mac, uses ZSH. On Unix, Bash.
zbash, a non-interactive bash wrapper
%SYS> zpm "install zbash"
// OR
zpm:%SYS> install zbash
%SYS> zbash "echo hello"
%SYS> zbash "whereis ssh"
%SYS> zbash "ps aux | grep irisdb"
/bin/bash -c "command" 2>&1
for ssh connections._____ _____ _____ _____ _____ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /\ \ /::\ \ /::\ \ /::\ \ /::\ \ /::\____\ \:::\ \ /::::\ \ /::::\ \ /::::\ \ /:::/ / \:::\ \ /::::::\ \ /::::::\ \ /::::::\ \ /:::/ / \:::\ \ /:::/\:::\ \ /:::/\:::\ \ /:::/\:::\ \ /:::/ / \:::\ \ /:::/__\:::\ \ /:::/__\:::\ \ /:::/__\:::\ \ /:::/____/ \:::\ \ /::::\ \:::\ \ /::::\ \:::\ \ \:::\ \:::\ \ /::::\ \ \:::\ \ /::::::\ \:::\ \ /::::::\ \:::\ \ ___\:::\ \:::\ \ /::::::\ \ _____ \:::\ \ /:::/\:::\ \:::\ ___\ /:::/\:::\ \:::\ \ /\ \:::\ \:::\ \ /:::/\:::\ \ /\ \ _______________\:::\____\/:::/__\:::\ \:::| |/:::/ \:::\ \:::\____\/::\ \:::\ \:::\____\/:::/ \:::\ /::\____\ \::::::::::::::::::/ /\:::\ \:::\ /:::|____|\::/ \:::\ /:::/ /\:::\ \:::\ \::/ /\::/ \:::\ /:::/ / \::::::::::::::::/____/ \:::\ \:::\/:::/ / \/____/ \:::\/:::/ / \:::\ \:::\ \/____/ \/____/ \:::\/:::/ / \:::\~~~~\~~~~~~ \:::\ \::::::/ / \::::::/ / \:::\ \:::\ \ \::::::/ / \:::\ \ \:::\ \::::/ / \::::/ / \:::\ \:::\____\ \::::/ / \:::\ \ \:::\ /:::/ / /:::/ / \:::\ /:::/ / /:::/ / \:::\ \ \:::\/:::/ / /:::/ / \:::\/:::/ / /:::/ / \:::\ \ \::::::/ / /:::/ / \::::::/ / /:::/ / \:::\____\ \::::/ / /:::/ / \::::/ / /:::/ / \::/ / \::/____/ \::/ / \::/ / \::/ / \/____/ ~~ \/____/ \/____/ \/____/
Welcome to the zbash help page!
zbash is a command shortcut that allows you to execute a command in a Bash shell without having to manually enter the shell. This can be useful if you need to quickly execute a command or if you prefer to work in a Bash environment.
zbash "[command]"Examples:
zbash "ls" : Execute the ls command in a Bash shell zbash "python script.py" : Execute a Python script in a Bash shell zbash "cd /path/to/directory && python script.py" : Change the current working directory in a Bash shell
The zbash command will automatically start a new Bash shell for each invocation. zbash does not support user input. To exit the Bash shell and return to the previous shell, type 'exit' at the Bash prompt.
I hope this information helps you use zbash effectively. If you have any further questions or concerns, please consult the Bash documentation.