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Example of IntegratedML Time Series predictions.

What's new in this version

Initial Release


Example about an IRIS production using IntegratedML Time Series capabilities to get predictions about the passengers for the “Metro de Valencia” subway system.

You can find more in-depth information in https://learning.intersystems.com.

New to IRIS Interoperability framework? Have a look at IRIS Interoperability Intro Workshop.

What do you need to install?


Build the image we will use during the workshop:

$ git clone https://github.com/intersystems-ib/workshop-timeseries-csv
$ cd workshop-timeseries-csv
$ docker-compose build


The main purpose of this example is to get predictions about the number of passengers in the following three months. We are going to build our table to train the model using the data of passengers by line for the previous 6 years. To feed our system with these data we are going to use the Record Mapper functionality of IRIS to import these data from a CSV file.

Test Production

  • Run the containers we will use in the workshop:
docker-compose up -d

Automatically an IRIS instance will be deployed and a production will be configured and run available to import data, create the prediction model and train it.

  • Open the Management Portal.
  • Login using the default superuser/ SYS account.
  • Click on Test Production to access the sample production that we are going to use. You can access also through Interoperability > User > Configure > Production.
  • Click on CSVIn Business Service and review the configuration, check the input folder.
  • Click on PredictionModelGeneration and check the Business Process associated MLTEST.BP.PopulateTable you will see the activities that populate the tables for the training with the raw data and the creation and training of the model. Finally a Business Operation will be invoked to generate a CSV file with the prediction under /shared folder.
  • Business Operation PredictionToCSV is using classes developed by Evgeny Shvarov (thank you!) that simplify the CSV generation from a SQL command.
  • To launch the process you only have to copy totals.csv and paste it into /shared/csv/newIn from Visual Studio Code.
Made with
1.0.027 Sep, 2023
ObjectScript quality test
Technology Example
Works with
InterSystems IRIS
First published
27 Sep, 2023
Last edited
27 Sep, 2023
Last checked by moderator
01 Nov, 2023Works