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Performance tests of IRIS, Postgres and MySQL by JDBC connection

What's new in this version

Initial Release


Databases comparative based on a Java project connected by JDBC to IRIS, MySQL and Postgresql.

You can find more in-depth information in https://learning.intersystems.com.

New to IRIS Interoperability framework? Have a look at IRIS Interoperability Intro Workshop.

What do you need to install?


Build the image we will use during the workshop:

$ git clone https://github.com/intersystems-ib/workshop-performance
$ cd workshop-performance
$ docker-compose build


The main purpose of this example is to test the performance of different databases connected by JDBC to a Java project.

Test Production

  • Run the containers we will use in the workshop:
docker-compose build

docker-compose up -d

Automatically an IRIS instance, a MySQL and a PostgreSQL databases will be deployed, a Tomcat will be deployed with the war generated from our Java project (you can check the code under the src folder).

You can check PostgreSQL and MySQL databases from Adminer

MySQL Adminer

  • Open Adminer using the following parameters:
    • Server: mysql
    • Username: testuser
    • Password: testpassword
    • Database: test
  • Review the records in patient, city and country tables.

PostgreSQL Adminer

  • Open Adminer using the following parameters:
    • Server: posrgres
    • Username: testuser
    • Password: testpassword
    • Database: testuser
  • Select Schema test
  • Review the records in patient, city and country tables.

IRIS database

  • Open the Management Portal.
  • Login using the default superuser/ SYS account.
  • Open System Explorer –> SQL
  • Select NAMESPACE USER and Schema Test

Modifying default war file

The war generated doesn’t need further modifications to work, but you can edit the java project to test different queries. In order to generate a new war you will have to install Maven in your computer and add the InterSystems IRIS JDBC library into your local maven repository.

To generate a new war file from Visual Studio you only have to open a terminal and run:

mvn package -DskipTests

A new war will be created under \target\ folder, rename it to performance.war and move it into \tomcat\ folder. The next step to deploy your new war is to clean the Docker containers and images and recreate it again launching:

docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d

Testing with Postman

This project contains a json file to be loaded into Postman application (performance.postman_collection.json). Once you have imported this file you will be able to launch the tests created by default.

Made with
1.0.002 Jun, 2023
Technology Example
Works with
InterSystems IRIS
First published
02 Jun, 2023
Last edited
02 Jun, 2023
Last checked by moderator
27 Jun, 2023Works