Home Applications tz - ObjectScript Time Zone Conversion Library

tz - ObjectScript Time Zone Conversion Library

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ObjectScript Time Zone Conversion Library

What's new in this version

Added Interoperability support for Rules/DTLs (see tz.Ens methods)

Quality Gate Status
Reliability Rating

License: MIT


An ObjectScript library for handling/converting time zones and timestamps in InterSystems IRIS.

Time zones are HARD! Let’s make them easy!!!

To learn more about time zones, Daylight Savings Time, offsets and more, check out Time Zones and Offsets and ObjectScript, Oh My!.

InterSystems “Bringing Ideas to Reality” Contest

This library was originally created/published for the InterSystems “Bringing Ideas to Reality” Contest.

See “Time zone conversion” on the InterSystems Ideas Portal.


This ObjectScript library was created to easily handle the formatting and conversion of timestamps from one time zone to another using standard timezones and formatting directives found on most POSIX-based systems.

In general, when working with datetimes, there are two types of datetimes:

  1. Absolute Time - i.e. Coordinated Universal Time (UTC)

    • Contains either a timezone specification or offset.
    • All UTC times are relative to time a the Royal Observatory in Greenwich, London (see Greenwich Mean Time).
    • UTC-0000 is the time at Greenwich
    • UTC-0100 is one hour west of Greenwich
    • UTC+0100 is one hour east of Greenwich
  2. Local Time

    • No timezone or offset information is available.

If you know the Local Time and a timezone (or offset), you can determine an Absolute Time.

You can convert any Absolute Time to a Local Time for any timezone you desire.

This library will help you perform the conversions between various local times and absolute times.

tz.Ens (for Interoperability Rules/DTLs) Basic Usage

// Convert local time from one timezone to another 	 
set datetime = "20240102033045"
set newDatetime = ##class(tz.Ens).TZ(datetime,"America/New_York","America/Chicago")

// Convert local time to offset
set datetime = "20240102033045"
set newDatetime = ##class(tz.Ens).TZOffset(datetime,"America/Chicago","America/New_York")

// Convert offset to local time
set datetime = "20240102033045-0500"
set newDatetime = ##class(tz.Ens).TZLocal(datetime,"America/Chicago")

// Convert to a non-HL7 format
set datetime = "20240102033045-0500"
set newDatetime = ##class(tz.Ens).TZ(datetime,"America/Chicago",,"%m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %z")

tz.HL7 Basic Usage

// ConvertTz() Examples
set dt = ##class(tz.HL7).ConvertTz("20200102033045-0500", "America/Chicago")
set dt = ##class(tz.HL7).ConvertTz("20200102033045", "America/New_York", "America/Chicago")
set dt = ##class(tz.HL7).ConvertTz("20200102033045", "America/New_York", "America/Chicago", "HL7Local")
set dt = ##class(tz.HL7).ConvertTz("20200102033045", "America/New_York", "America/Chicago", "HL7WithOffset")
set dt = ##class(tz.HL7).ConvertTz("20200102033045", "America/New_York", "America/Chicago", "%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")

// ToLocal() Examples
set dt = ##class(tz.HL7).ToLocal("20200102033045-0500", "America/Chicago")
set dt = ##class(tz.HL7).ToLocal("20200102033045", "America/Chicago", "America/Denver")

// WithOffset() Examples
set dt = ##class(tz.HL7).WithOffset("20200102033045-0500", "America/Chicago")
set dt = ##class(tz.HL7).WithOffset("20200102033045", "America/Chicago")
set dt = ##class(tz.HL7).WithOffset("20200102033045", "America/Chicago", "America/Denver")

// NowLocal() Example
set dt = ##class(tz.HL7).NowLocal("America/Chicago")

// NowWithOffset() Example
set dt = ##class(tz.HL7).NowWithOffset("America/Chicago")


  • IRIS 2022.1+ (for Embedded Python support)
  • Python 3 installed on the system
  • Currently only works on UNIX systems


There are several methods for installing this library:

  1. Import classes directly into IRIS
  2. Install the IPM/ZPM package
  3. Docker

Option 1: Import Classes Directly into IRIS

Download the most recent exports/tz.Export.xml from the repository.

Import tz.Export.xml into your IRIS instance using the Import button found on the System Operation > Classes page in your Management Portal.

If you prefer loading tz.Export.xml from an IRIS terminal:

USER>do $system.OBJ.Load("/path/to/tz.Export.xml", "cuk")

Option 2: Install the IPM/ZPM package

Once package is approved, use zpm install the tz package:


|| Welcome to the Package Manager Shell (ZPM). version 0.7.4 ||
|| Enter q/quit to exit the shell. Enter ?/help to view available commands ||
|| Current registry https://pm.community.intersystems.com ||

zpm:USER>install tz

Option 3: Docker

If you prefer, you can load the library with docker, run the built-in tests, and experiment with the tz classes.

First, download/clone the repo to your local computer:

git clone git@github.com:jamerfort/iris-tz.git

Build and connect to your instance:

cd ./iris-tz

Rebuild/start the image

docker compose up --build -d

Connect to your instance

docker exec -it iris-tz iris terminal IRIS

Stop your containers

docker compose down

Verify/Test Installation

Run tests from your iris terminal:

// Built-in Tests
USER>do ##class(tz.TZ).Test()
116 Tests Successful!

// Experiment with the API
USER>zw ##class(tz.HL7).ConvertTz("20240102033045-0500", "America/New_York")

If you are using Docker or have a copy of the repo, you can reload changes to the tz source code from your iris terminal:

USER>do $system.OBJ.LoadDir("/home/irisowner/dev/src", "cuk",,1)

Load of directory started on 12/14/2024 00:40:14
Loading file /home/irisowner/dev/src/cls/tz/HL7.cls as cls
Imported class: tz.HL7
Loading file /home/irisowner/dev/src/cls/tz/TZ.cls as cls
Imported class: tz.TZ
Loading file /home/irisowner/dev/src/cls/tz/internal.cls as cls
Imported class: tz.internal
Loading file /home/irisowner/dev/src/cls/tz/Tests.cls as cls
Imported class: tz.Tests
Class tz.HL7 is up-to-date.
Class tz.TZ is up-to-date.
Class tz.Tests is up-to-date.
Class tz.internal is up-to-date.
Load finished successfully.

Supported Timezones

This library uses the IANA timezone database/information installed on your system to perform the necessary timezone conversions. This database is typically updated whenever you apply operating system patches.

For more information, check out this Wikipedia page.

Examples of valid timezones:

  • America/New_York
  • US/Eastern
  • America/Chicago
  • US/Central
  • America/Denver
  • US/Mountain
  • America/Los_Angeles
  • US/Pacific
  • Europe/Brussels
  • CET
  • Europe/Athens
  • EET

Supported Datetime Format Codes

This library uses a mixture of python and POSIX/libc calls to parse and format datetimes. The following format codes should work in most cases:

Format Code Description Examples
%Y The year, including century 1999, 2024
%y The year, without century 99, 24
%m The month, zero-padded 01, 02, …, 12
%d The day of the month, zero-padded 01, 02, …, 31
%H The hour, 24-hour clock, zero-padded 00, 01, …, 23
%M The minute, zero-padded 00, 01, …, 59
%S The second, zero-padded 00, 01, …, 59
%p AM or PM AM, PM
%z The UTC offset, ±HHMM[SS[.ffffff]] (empty), -0400, -0500, +0000, +0300

Though the above format codes likely cover most of your formatting needs, you may find that codes from the following resources may work as well:

Flexible Datetime Parsing

If an input format is blank or not provided to the ##class(tz.TZ).Convert() method, the library attempts to determine if the provided datetime string matches one of the following formats (in this order):

  • %Y%m%d%H%M%S%z
  • %Y%m%d%H%M%S
  • %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S
  • %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ
  • %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S%z
  • %Y%m%dT%H%M%S
  • %Y%m%dT%H%M%SZ
  • %Y%m%dT%H%M%S%z
  • %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S %z
  • %Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S
  • %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S %z
  • %m/%d/%Y %H:%M:%S
  • %Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p %z
  • %Y-%m-%d %I:%M:%S %p
  • %m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p %z
  • %m/%d/%Y %I:%M:%S %p
  • %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M
  • %Y-%m-%dT%H:%MZ
  • %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M%z
  • %Y%m%dT%H%M
  • %Y%m%dT%H%MZ
  • %Y%m%dT%H%M%z
  • %Y-%m-%d %H:%M %z
  • %Y-%m-%d %H:%M
  • %m/%d/%Y %H:%M %z
  • %m/%d/%Y %H:%M
  • %Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p %z
  • %Y-%m-%d %I:%M %p
  • %m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p %z
  • %m/%d/%Y %I:%M %p
  • %Y-%m-%d
  • %m/%d/%Y

Ens (for Interoperability Rules/DTLs) Date/Datetime Conversion - ##class(tz.Ens)

The tz.Ens class provides several methods for converting HL7-formatted dates/datetimes to the desired timezone and/or format. These methods are exposed to Interoperability Rules/DTLs:

  1. TZ() converts HL7-formatted dates/datetimes to the desired timezone and/or format.

  2. TZLocal() converts HL7-formatted dates/datetimes to the desired local time.

  3. TZOffset() converts HL7-formatted dates/datetimes to the desired datetime with timezone offset.

HL7 Date/Datetime Conversion - ##class(tz.HL7)

The tz.HL7 class provides several methods for converting HL7-formatted dates/datetimes to the desired timezone and/or format:

  1. ConvertTz() converts HL7-formatted dates/datetimes to the desired timezone and/or format.

  2. ToLocal() converts HL7-formatted dates/datetimes to the desired timezone with a format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.

  3. WithOffset() converts HL7-formatted dates/datetimes to the desired timezone with a format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS±zzzz.

  4. NowLocal() returns the current local time for the given timezone with a format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS.

  5. NowWithOffset() returns the current time with an offset for the given timezone with a format of YYYYMMDDHHMMSS±zzzz.

Base TZ Date/Datetime Conversion - ##class(tz.TZ)

The tz.TZ class provides the base Convert() method used by the other classes (such as tz.HL7 and tz.Ens). If the tz.HL7 and tz.Ens classes do not provide the needed functionality, most likely, ##class(tz.TZ).Convert() can be used to accomplish your goals.

See docs/tz.TZ.Convert.md

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zpm install tz download archive
1.0.019 Dec, 2024
Ideas portal
ObjectScript quality test
Works with
InterSystems IRISInterSystems IRIS for Health
First published
13 Dec, 2024
Last edited
19 Dec, 2024
Last checked by moderator
31 Jan, 2025Works