Initial Release
Previously, .NET samples were distributed with InterSystems IRIS Kits under ./dev/dotnet/samples. All samples were removed
from kits and many of the previous samples were not refactored to make them consistent with new features in InterSystems
This project includes samples from %Net.Remote.DotNet.Test. The original source used the old .NET Gateway which has been
replaced by External DotNet Server and Dynamic Gateway. The focus of this project is not running this project (it
should run) but rather to demonstrate how code that used the old .NET Gateway can be refactored to use the new
External .NET Server with Dynamic Gateway connections.
Import the objectscript file included in this project, objectscript/Dynamic.DotNet.cls.
USER>d $system.OBJ.Load("/objectscript/Dynamic.cls", "ckr",,1)
Then, class samples.intersystems.gateway.Dynamic.DotNet implements two methods that demonstrate various capabilities:
Both take a single argument that is the path to the dll (or exe) file. This project includes a dll that can be used (\bin\Release\net6.0\NetRemoteSamples.dll). Running the samples from the command line, as follows, will produce the given output:
USER>do ##class(samples.intersystems.gateway.Dynamic.DotNet).Test("<path to project>\NetRemoteSamples\bin\Release\net6.0\NetRemoteSamples.dll")
setNextClass returned: 0
Next class on: 2023-12-05 00:00:00Name: Smith,John
ID: 27
SSN: 976-01-6712Static method execute: Success
Static set/get: 89
Biology grade changed to 3.1
Student has completed the following 3 classes:
French 3.75
Biology 3.1
Spanish 2.75Highest grade: 3.75
Now taking: Calculus, Chemistry, English CompEnglish Comp Grade: 2.5
Student has completed the following 6 classes:
Chemistry 3.92
French 3.75
Biology 3.1
Spanish 2.75
Calculus 3.5
English Comp 2.5Highest grade now: 3.92
Student's favorite sports are:
SwimmingStudent's address:
Memorial Drive
San Diego, CA 20098
Change address
Student's new address is:
456 Del Monte
Boston, MA 40480
USER>do ##class(samples.intersystems.gateway.Dynamic.DotNet).TestArrays("<path to project>\NetRemoteSamples\bin\Release\net6.0\NetRemoteSamples.dll")
String 1 : test string one
String 2 : test string two
String 3 : test string three
String 4 : test string four
Address 1:
One Memorial Drive
Cambridge, MA 02142
Address 2:
4555 Santa Cruz Ave
San Diego, CA 92109
Byte array test:
Global binary stream
This byte stream has been filled in by .NET