ObjectScript Analysis with initial set of rules
InterSystems ObjectScript is a script programming language which is stated in the name.
It has the the compiler which compiles ObjectScript to an obj-code and controls some constraints.
But sometimes we can compile code, which contains possible bugs or doesn’t meet companies code guidlines.
This repository contains a class with set of “Donts” which compiler compiles successfully.
The cases we could meet in ObjectScript projects but really don’t want.
Lite Solutions’ ObjectScript Quality tool can check for the cases stated here.
Here is the report for the class with problems which were found by ObjectScriptQ.
Lite Solutions provides a free-of-charge service for ObjectScript Quality for Open Source projects.
If you want to add this control service to your ObjectScript project just add the following github actions workflow file to .github/workflows directory of you project and find your analysis here.
Here is the the [currrent set of rules] for InterSystems ObjectScript you can analyze your code with.
If you know other cases which should and could be controlled in ObjectScript please submit an issue to this repository or make a Pull Request.