Initial Release
mypButtons routine creates one CSV (mgstat and Windows Performance are shown in one line) from multiple pButtons HTML files. This routine works only for Windows.
InterSystems IRIS family has a nice utility ^SystemPerformance (as known as ^pButtons in Caché and Ensemble) which outputs the database performance information into a readable HTML file. When you run ^SystemPerformance on IRIS for Windows, a HTML file is created where both our own performance log mgstat and Windows performance log are included.
It's a great report, however, you need to extract log sections manually from a HTML file and paste them to a spreadsheet editor like Excel to create a performance visual graph. Many developers already share useful tips and utilities to do it here.
Now I introduce a new utiltiy ^mypButtons!
Please Note! If you want to play mypButtons.csv, please load SystemPerformance HTML files with "every 1 second" profile.
do readone^mypButtons("C:\temp\dir\myserver_IRIS_20230522_130000_8hours.html","^||naka")
It reads one SystemPerformance HTML file and store the information into a given global. In this sample, it reads myserver_IRIS_20230522_130000_8hours.html and store it into ^||naka.
do readdir^mypButtons("C:\temp\dir","^||naka")
It reads all of SystemPerformance HTML files under a given folder and store the information into a given global. In this sample, it reads all HTML files under C:\temp\dir and store it into ^||naka.
do writecsv^mypButtons("C:\temp\csv","^||naka")
It generates the following three csv files under a given folder from a given global.
Here, mypButtons.csv includes the following columns by default, which I strongly recommend to check first to see the performance:
This utility works for InterSystems IRIS, InterSystems IRIS for Health, Caché and Ensemble for Windows.
Please see GitHub readme to see how to create the graph step by step.
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