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Weather, Exchange Rate, Temperature, Length

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fixed typo in the long description

ISC-Utils Weather, Exchange Rate, Temperature, Length

The project is a small kit with useful features to help you track weather, exchange rates, conversion for temperature, and length scales.


Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.


Open a terminal and clone/git pull the repo into any local directory

$ git clone git@github.com:diashenrique/isc-utils.git

Open the terminal in this directory and run:

$ docker-compose build
  1. Run the IRIS container with your project:
$ docker-compose up -d

How to Run the Application

Open InterSystems IRIS terminal:

Temperature Scale Conversion

$ docker-compose exec iris iris session iris

IRISAPP>write ##class(diashenrique.Utils.Temperature).CelsiusToFahrenheit(28)

IRISAPP>write ##class(diashenrique.Utils.Temperature).CelsiusToKelvin(28)

IRISAPP>write ##class(diashenrique.Utils.Temperature).FahrenheitToCelsius(82.4)

IRISAPP>write ##class(diashenrique.Utils.Temperature).FahrenheitToKelvin(82.4)

IRISAPP>write ##class(diashenrique.Utils.Temperature).KelvinToCelsius(301.15)

IRISAPP>write ##class(diashenrique.Utils.Temperature).KelvinToFahrenheit(301.15)

Length Scale Conversion

IRISAPP>write ##class(diashenrique.Utils.Length).KmToMiles(120)

IRISAPP>write ##class(diashenrique.Utils.Length).MilesToKm(74.58)

Exchange Rate


IRISAPP>do ##class(diashenrique.Utils.ExchangeRate).Latest(1,"USD","ALL")
Date: 2020-03-18
Conversion of 1 USD

GBP Pound sterling 0.843
HKD Hong Kong dollar 7.766
IDR Indonesian rupiah 15449.552
ILS Israeli shekel 3.810
DKK Danish krone 6.835
INR Indian rupee 74.205
CHF Swiss franc 0.965
MXN Mexican peso 23.963
CZK Czech koruna 24.834
SGD Singapore dollar 1.441
THB Thai baht 32.420
HRK Croatian kuna 6.945
EUR Euro 0.915
MYR Malaysian ringgit 4.371
NOK Norwegian krone 10.701
CNY Chinese yuan renminbi 7.035
BGN Bulgarian lev 1.789
PHP Philippine peso 51.620
PLN Polish zloty 4.117
ZAR South African rand 16.977
CAD Canadian dollar 1.440
ISK Icelandic krona 139.656
BRL Brazilian real 5.134
RON Romanian leu 4.431
NZD New Zealand dollar 1.713
TRY Turkish lira 6.447
JPY Japanese yen 107.719
RUB Russian rouble 79.656
KRW South Korean won 1260.106
USD US dollar 1.000
AUD Australian dollar 1.698
HUF Hungarian forint 321.365
SEK Swedish krona 10.081


  • Amount
  • Base Currency Eg. JPY
  • Exchange rates
    • ALL - for all currencies availables in the API
    • Request specific exchange rates. Eg.: “BRL,AUD,CAD,RUB”


IRISAPP>do ##class(diashenrique.Utils.ExchangeRate).ByDate("2020-01-01",1,"USD","BRL,JPY,AUD,CAD")
Date: 2020-01-01
Conversion of 1 USD

JPY Japanese yen 108.545
AUD Australian dollar 1.424
CAD Canadian dollar 1.299
BRL Brazilian real 4.020


  • Date = YYYY-MM-DD
  • Amount
  • Base Currency Eg. BRL
  • Exchange rates
    • ALL - for all currencies availables in the API
    • Request specific exchange rates Eg. “BRL,AUD,CAD,RUB”

There is a global ^defaultCurrency, that’ll keep your preferred base currency.

So, you can call the ClassMethod Latest, without any parameter:

IRISAPP>do ##class(diashenrique.Utils.ExchangeRate).Latest()
Default Base Currency: 

Just inform your preferred base currency:

IRISAPP>do ##class(diashenrique.Utils.ExchangeRate).Latest()
Default Base Currency: USD

Date: 2020-03-18
Conversion of 1 USD

GBP Pound sterling 0.843
HKD Hong Kong dollar 7.766
IDR Indonesian rupiah 15449.552
ILS Israeli shekel 3.810
DKK Danish krone 6.835
INR Indian rupee 74.205
CHF Swiss franc 0.965
MXN Mexican peso 23.963
CZK Czech koruna 24.834
SGD Singapore dollar 1.441
THB Thai baht 32.420
HRK Croatian kuna 6.945
EUR Euro 0.915
MYR Malaysian ringgit 4.371
NOK Norwegian krone 10.701
CNY Chinese yuan renminbi 7.035
BGN Bulgarian lev 1.789
PHP Philippine peso 51.620
PLN Polish zloty 4.117
ZAR South African rand 16.977
CAD Canadian dollar 1.440
ISK Icelandic krona 139.656
BRL Brazilian real 5.134
RON Romanian leu 4.431
NZD New Zealand dollar 1.713
TRY Turkish lira 6.447
JPY Japanese yen 107.719
RUB Russian rouble 79.656
KRW South Korean won 1260.106
USD US dollar 1.000
AUD Australian dollar 1.698
HUF Hungarian forint 321.365
SEK Swedish krona 10.081


IRISAPP>do ##class(diashenrique.Utils.Weather).GetWeather()
Default City: 
Default Country: 
Default Termo Scale(C,F,K): 

The ClassMethod GetWeather, also has preferred options. For Default possibilities we have:

  • City
  • Country
  • Thermal Scale (Celsius, Fahrenheit or Kelvin)
IRISAPP>do ##class(diashenrique.Utils.Weather).GetWeather()
Default City: Boston
Default Country: USA
Default Termo Scale(C,F,K): F

City: Boston | Country: USA

Temperature: 53.46 °F
Real Feel: 46.02 °F
Condition: Clear

But, you can consult any other city sending the parameters:

IRISAPP>do ##class(diashenrique.Utils.Weather).GetWeather("Sao Paulo","Brazil","C")
City: Sao Paulo | Country: Brazil

Temperature: 27.55 °C
Real Feel: 28.4 °C
Condition: Rain

After defining the default parameters, they become optional:

IRISAPP>do ##class(diashenrique.Utils.Weather).GetWeather("Sao Paulo","Brazil")
City: Sao Paulo | Country: Brazil

Temperature: 82.17 °F
Real Feel: 83.95 °F
Condition: Rain

Made with
zpm install isc-utils download archive
1.0.202 Aug, 2020
Developer Environment
Works with
CachéInterSystems IRIS
First published
18 Mar, 2020
Last edited
18 Nov, 2020
Last checked by moderator
25 Aug, 2024Works