Automatic version update
Basic setup of ENSDEMO content into InterSystems IRIS for Health.
Make sure you have Docker up and running before starting.
Clone the repo git clone
and then execute from the main directory docker-compose build
Once the build is complete, from the main directory, start your iris container:
docker-compose up -d
After building the image you can simply execute below and you be up and running 🚀:
-d will run the container detached of your command line session
docker-compose up -d
You can now access the manager portal through http://localhost:9092/csp/sys/%25CSP.Portal.Home.zen
To start a terminal session execute:
docker exec -it ensdemo iris session iris
To start a bash session execute:
docker exec -it ensdemo /bin/bash
Using InterSystems ObjectScript Visual Studio Code extension, you can access the code straight from vscode
docker-compose stop
zpm "install irishealth-ensdemo"