Embedded Python
This app serves as a substitute for mail server. I created it to do load testing on an app which sends messages to a mail server. The people responsible for the mail server do not want to receive thousands of messages whenever I do load testing.
I start iris-mail in a container and redirect the messages from the real mail server to the substitute. I can review messages in iris-mail to confirm the correct number of messages have been received.
Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.
zpm "install iris-mail"
Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory
git clone https://github.com/oliverwilms/iris-mail.git
Open the terminal in this directory and run:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
docker-compose exec iris iris session iris
write ##class(dc.iris.mail.EmbeddedPython).getProductionName()
do ##class(%SYS.Python).Shell()
You can find online demo here - portal or webterminal
iris-mail uses port 30025 to receive mail. If you have outbound email operation sending to iris-mail, configure it with your iris-mail IP address.