Home Applications iris-dev-codeinspector


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Validates packages and classes, returning a report with issues.

What's new in this version

Initial Release


The CodeInspector program validates packages and classes based on predefined rules. It processes the provided packages, identifies associated classes, and applies validations while ignoring specified packages and classes. The results can be displayed in the console or returned as structured JSON.



The motivation behind CodeInspector is to create a tool that is easy to implement, allowing teams to define their own rules and adapt the tool to their business needs. By offering flexibility and simplicity, teams can ensure code quality while addressing specific requirements within their development process.

Challenges Faced

The Shift team is developing our own tools, as we haven’t found any that fit our specific business needs. To address this demand, I created a tool that is flexible and easy to implement, allowing any team member to create new rules without complications.
I faced some challenges using ZPM, largely due to my limited familiarity with the tool.


  • Analyzes and validates packages and classes based on predefined rules.
  • Processes specified packages and identifies relevant classes.
  • Applies custom validations while excluding marked packages and classes.
  • Generates detailed error reports, viewable in the console or as structured JSON.

Getting Started

Installation with Docker


Ensure you have the following installed:

Clone the Repository

Clone or pull the repository into a local directory:

$ git clone git@github.com:rodoctor/iris-dev-codeinspector.git

Navigate to the directory and run:

$ docker-compose up -d


Open IRIS installation with IPM client installed:

IRISAPP>zpm "install codeinspector"

Management portal:

The management portal is available at:
Management portal

Rest API - CodeInspector JSON Report

API Parameters

The API is available at http://localhost:9091/codeinspector/ and accepts the following parameters:

  • namespace: (required) The namespace specifies the context in which the validation will be executed.
  • packages: (required) This parameter must include the names of the packages to be analyzed. Multiple package names can be provided, separated by commas.
  • ignored: This parameter allows you to specify a list of package names that should be excluded from the validation process. Multiple names should also be separated by commas.

Postman export

You can find an export of the Postman Collection for testing the available API in the collectionPostman folder of this project.
Import CodeInspector.postman_collection.json into Postman to run tests.

Postman Test

Creating New Rules

  class `codeInspector.rules.BaseRule` {
    +Execute() : void
    +IncrementStatusError() : void

class codeInspector.rules.[package].[className] {
+Execute() : void

codeInspector.rules.[package].[className] --|> codeInspector.rules.BaseRule

  • The new rule must extend the codeInspector.rules.BaseRule class.
  • The new rule should override the Execute() method.
  • The method receives three parameters:
    • pMethodContent - Stream containing the content of the method to be validated.
    • pIdMethod - A combination of the class name and the method name that represents the content of the stream.
    • ByRef pArrayErrors - Holds all the statuses from previous validations. If necessary to increment, the method IncrementStatusError() should be used.
  • The IncrementStatusError method should be implemented as shown in the example below:
Set type = "Interdependency"
Set errorDescription = "A call to a BusinessOperation has been found within another BusinessOperation."
Do ..IncrementStatusError(.pArrayErrors,pIdMethod,type,pMethodContent,errorDescription)

Built with

  • WSL Ubuntu 22.04
  • VSCode
  • Package of ObjectScript plugin
  • IRIS for Health Community Edition in Docker


I appreciate any and all contributions! Feel free to fork the repository, make improvements or suggest changes, and submit a pull request.

Future Ideas

  • Enhance the project’s configuration process to simplify installation and setup, making it more user-friendly for new users.
  • Implement a graphical user interface (GUI) for easier rule management, configuration, and report visualization.
  • Add integration with popular CI/CD tools for automated code inspection during the development pipeline.
  • Expand the reporting features to include visualizations and metrics on code quality over time.
Made with
zpm install codeinspector download archive
1.0.022 Sep, 2024
Developer Environment
Works with
InterSystems IRISEnsembleCachéInterSystems IRIS for HealthInterSystems IRIS Cloud SQL
First published
22 Sep, 2024
Last edited
25 Sep, 2024