Added telegram bot transport.
Sending emails corrected.
More info in description.
Tracking Crypto currency levels and alerts about reises and falls.
Written in Java with DEX to retrieve data in IRIS and to send messages on alerts.
The repo is dockerised so you can clone/git pull the repo into any local directory
$ git clone
Open the terminal in this directory and run:
$ docker-compose up -d
and open then http://localhost:32792/csp/user/EnsPortal.ProductionConfig.zen
In the Business Rules you should write email where to send alerts about changes.
User can subscribe to Telegram bot @iris_crypto_tracker_bot to recieve alerts.
At the Main page you should Start Production http://localhost:32792/csp/user/EnsPortal.ProductionConfig.zen
In the Message Viewer http://localhost:32792/csp/user/EnsPortal.MessageViewer.zen?SOURCEORTARGET=CryptoService shown every completed request and results.
CryptoService sends request to every minute to gain actual data about crypto currences.
Reply on request body:
Emails sent to email from the Business Rules.
Alerts also sends to Telegram from bot @iris_crypto_tracker_bot
TelegramBotOperation - telegram bot which sends alerts and info about current levels of currency.
Bot commands:
You can watch how it works on
Also you can view ruleset on
Login “_SYSTEM”
Password “SYS”
Telegram Bot message example:
Email message example:
CSV file example:
We used PEX framework to develop Services which sends requests.
Also we used PEX to develop Operations, which sends emails with processed information.
On this project I worked with