A SQLConnection to an InMemory DuckDB database is integrated.
This repository contains all the necessary resources to create a Docker container running an InterSystems IRIS database. The database includes several namespaces (databases) with demo data that can be used for development, testing, or training purposes.
The primary focus of this project is the SQL layer of InterSystems IRIS. While InterSystems IRIS is a versatile data platform with numerous features such as object-oriented programming, interoperability, and machine learning integration, this repository is dedicated to exploring and utilizing its SQL capabilities. Other concepts and functionalities of the platform are not covered here.
The following namespaces with example databases are available:
Aviation_SAMPLE: Contains demo data from the aviation industry, such as flight data or aircraft fleet information. Original repo: Samples-Aviation
Person_SAMPLE: A sample database with information about individuals and their attributes, ideal for generic database testing. Original repo: Samples-Data
AdventureworksDW_SAMPLE: A data warehouse example from the MS AdventureWorks databases, suitable for BI and reporting scenarios. Original repo: isc-adventureworks
The data (csv files) comes from the original MS repo microsoft sql-server-samples
DuckDB_SAMPLE: A sample database focused on DuckDB integration.
The airlines.dat file (src\DuckDBSample) contains information on airlines Data files and comes the from: https://openflights.org/data.html
The yellow_tripdata_2024-01.parquet file comes from ttps://www.nyc.gov/site/tlc/about/tlc-trip-record-data.page. Also helpful azure/open-datasets
This repository was created to provide developers and database enthusiasts with an easy way to work with InterSystems IRIS and explore various database scenarios. The included demo data and namespaces enable:
git clone https://github.com/andreas5588/demo-dbs-iris.git
cd demo-dbs-iris
Run the following command to build the Docker image:
docker build -t andreasschneiderixdbde/demo-dbs-iris . --progress=plain
Start the Docker container with the following command:
docker run -d -p 1972:1972 -p 52773:52773 --name demo-dbs-iris-container andreasschneiderixdbde/demo-dbs-iris
By default the Container ports are mapped to the same local ports. Please check the availability of the ports on your maschine first.
.docker stop demo-dbs-iris-container
Use the following default credentials to log in:
Note: Change the default credentials to ensure security.
We welcome contributions to this project! Please submit pull requests or report issues via the Issues page.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.