Added pythom embedded like a random string generator.
Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory e.g. like it is shown below
(here I show all the examples related to this repository, but I assume you have your own derived from the template):
$ git clone
Open the terminal in this directory and run:
$ docker-compose up -d --build
Create a POST request e.g. in Postman with raw data in JSON. e.g.
{"LongUrl":"","Campaing":"TEST", "Length":6, "ExpirationDays": 7}
Adjust the authorization if needed - it is basic for container with default login and password for IRIR Community edition container
and send the POST request to localhost:52773/
This will create a record in AQS.urlShortener.Url class of IRIS.
To navigate to the long url associated for a particular record provide the id in GET request like ‘localhost:52773/shortUrl’ . E.g.:
This will redirect the user to the long url associated to the short link.
To request the data for a particular record provide the id in GET request like ‘localhost:52773/info/id’ . E.g.:
This will return JSON data for the url associated to the short link RPLMMG, something like that:
For delete request this REST API expects only the id of the record to delete. E.g. if the id=5 the following DELETE call will delete the record:
For autodelete expired links just create a task in the portal an call this method.