This a tools to export configuration from an Interystems IRIS instance and import it to another.
Config-copy must be installed on the source and the target instance.
The target instance perform REST request to get the config from the source instance.
zpm "install config-copy"
Non ZPM users should import and compile config-copy_for_IRIS.xml or config-copy_for_HealthShare.xml if you use HealthShare and not IRIS yet.
On the source instance we need to create a web application used by the target instance to retrieve the configuration.
Do ##class(lscalese.configcopy.Utils).SetWebApp()
The web application /csp/lscalese/configcopy
is now added.
Install config-api on a Ensemble enabled namespace. (To enable Ensemble use : Do ##class(%EnsembleMgr).EnableNamespace($namespace)
zpm "install config-copy"
Non ZPM users should import and compile config-copy_for_IRIS.xml or config-copy_for_HealthShare.xml if you use HealthShare and not IRIS yet.
We must setup ip address (or hostname), port, SSConfig (in case of https usage) and credential to access to the source instance.
Do ##class(lscalese.configcopy.Utils).SetRemoteSettings(, , )
Do ##class(lscalese.configcopy.Utils).SetCredential("_system","SYS")
Export configuration from the remote instance (source) and import to this local instance (target).
Set sc = ##class(lscalese.configcopy.ImportFromRemote).All()
Set sc = ##class(lscalese.configcopy.LocalExport).All($zu(12,"config-copy-local"))
Set sc = ##class(lscalese.configcopy.RemoteExport).All($zu(12,"config-copy-remote"))
Adapt the following examples with the path of each configuration files.
Import security
Set sc = ##class(lscalese.configcopy.LocalImport).Security("SecurityExport.xml")
Import globals contain SQL Connections
Set sc = ##class(lscalese.configcopy.LocalImport).Globals("GlobalsExport.xml")
Import CPF configuration data
Set sc = ##class(lscalese.configcopy.LocalImport).CPFData("config-api.json")
Import Tasks
Set sc = ##class(lscalese.configcopy.LocalImport).Tasks("TasksExport.xml")