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AssertJ Style assertion library for objesctscript

What's new in this version

Beta Release

Assert Objectscript

Assert Objectscript is a supplemental assertion library meant to enhance readability of resulting test failures.

Instead of this

AssertEquals:objectA== objectB was '6@%Library.DynamicObject'

you will get this

%DynamicObject(value: Foo)
    to be equal to:
%DynamicObject(value: Bar)

The goal of this library is to provide the developer with enough information to find the reason for a test failure without the need to debug the code.


Assert-Objectscript is available in the InterSystems Open Exchange and in the Open Exchange ZPM Registry.

To install Assert-Objectscript, open an IRIS session into your IRIS instance and run the following command in the namespace you need

zpm "install assert-objectscript"


General Usage

Assert-Objectscript uses a builder pattern to construct an assertion. It consists of these steps

  1. Construct the assertion builder
  2. Configure the assertion builder
  3. Finish with an assertion

Each assert follows this in the fashion of assert...thatActual...isEqualTo


Since Assert-Objectscript relies on the basic ObjectScript asserts and the AssertFailureViaMacro function, a test context with the %UnitTest.TestCase class must be available. So you will start
any assertion like this.

set builder = ##class(utility.testing.AssertBuilder).AssertOnContext($THIS)

From there on, you have the choice between an assert on on object or array.

set arrayAssertBuilder = builder.ThatActualObject(object)
set objectAssertBuilder = builder.ThatActualArray(object)


Once constructed, you can configure your assertion. For example, you could:

  1. Use field by field comparison instead of object equality UsingFieldByFieldComparison()
  2. Ignore array order IgnoringOrder()
  3. Ignore a certain field during field by field comparsion IgnoringField("ID")


Lastly, you need to finish with an assertion.


Overview of Assertions

All example assume that this method exists to shorten
the actual assert. You could, of course, register a macro for that, too.

Method Assert() As utility.testing.AssertBuilder
    return ##class(utility.testing.AssertBuilder).AssertOnContext($THIS)

Check if an object is defined

do ..Assert().ThatActualObject(object).IsDefined()

Check if an object is not defined

do ..Assert().ThatActualObject(object).IsNotDefined()

Check if two objects are equal

set objectA = {"value": "ObjectScript Test"}
do ..Assert().ThatActualObject(objectA).IsEqualTo(objectA)

Check if two objects are equal while comparing their field values recursively

set objectA = {"value": "ObjectScript Test"}
set objectB = {"value": "ObjectScript Test"}
do ..Assert().ThatActualObject(objectA).IsEqualTo(objectB)

Check if two objects are equal while comparing their field values recursively

set objectA = {"value": "ObjectScript Test"}
set objectB = {"value": "ObjectScript Test"}
do ..Assert().ThatActualObject(objectA).UsingFieldByFieldComparison().IsEqualTo(objectB)

Check if two objects are equal while ignoring a given field

set objectA = {"value": "ObjectScript Test", "id": 1}
set objectB = {"value": "ObjectScript Test", "id": 2}
do ..Assert().ThatActualObject(objectA).UsingFieldByFieldComparison().IgnoringField("id").IsEqualTo(objectB)

Check that an array has 2 elements

set array = ["A", "B"]
do ..Assert().ThatActualArray(array).HasSize(2)

Check that an array is empty

set array = []
do ..Assert().ThatActualArray(array).ToBeEmpty()

Check that an array is not empty

set array = ["A", "B"]
do ..Assert().ThatActualArray(array).NotToBeEmpty()

Check that an array contains a value

set array = ["A", "B"]
do ..Assert().ThatActualArray(array).ToContain("A")

Check that an array does not contain a value

set array = ["A", "B"]
do ..Assert().ThatActualArray(array).NotToContain("C")

Check that two arrays are equal

set arrayA = ["A", "B"]
set arrayB = ["A", "B"]
do ..Assert().ThatActualArray(arrayA).ToEqual(arrayB)

Check that two arrays contain the same elements, regardless of order

set arrayA = ["A", "B"]
set arrayB = ["B", "A"]
do ..Assert().ThatActualArray(arrayA).IgnoringOrder().ToEqual(arrayB)

Compiling and Building

To compile, build and upload to ZPM, follow these steps:

  1. Start the compose instance docker-compose up -d
  2. Exec yourself into the container with an IRIS instance ./open-iris-session.bat(or ./open-iris-session.sh on Linux)
  3. Go to ZPM terminal zpm
  4. Load the source files into ZPM load /irisdev/app
  5. Verify the assert-obectscript package assert-objectscript package -v
  6. Set the registry to a ZPM registry repo -n registry -r -url <registry> -user <user> -pass <pass> (Make sure your registry url ends with a trailing /)
  7. Publish the package assert-objectscript -v publish


For Developers

See Contributing

Limitations and Planned Improvements

  1. Currently only tested on dynamic objects, dynamic arrays and %SystemBase objects; Lists made with $listbuild are not supported yet
  2. Only works in context of UnitTest
  3. Not many assertions implemented yet
  4. Formatting of dynamic objects needs improvement
  5. Formatting of error messages in the IRIS test viewer needs improvement (optimized for console output)
  6. Assertions on basic types (%Integer, %String) not implemented yet
Made with
zpm install assert-objectscript download archive
0.0.122 Apr, 2021
Developer Environment
Works with
InterSystems IRISInterSystems IRIS for Health
First published
22 Apr, 2021