added salt in hash
To meet the requirements of section 8.2.5 PCI DSS “Prohibit the use of old passwords”, a small application has been implemented that will be launched by the system when a user tries to change a password and check if it was used before.
If ZPM the current instance is not installed, then in one line you can install the latest version of ZPM.
zn "%SYS" d ##class(Security.SSLConfigs).Create("z") s r=##class(%Net.HttpRequest).%New(),r.Server="",r.SSLConfiguration="z" d r.Get("/packages/zpm/latest/installer"),$system.OBJ.LoadStream(r.HttpResponse.Data,"c")
If ZPM is installed, then can be set with the command
zpm:USER>install appmsw-forbid-old-passwd
Make sure you have git and Docker desktop installed.
Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory
git clone
Open the terminal in this directory and run:
docker-compose build
docker-compose up -d
Open IRIS terminal:
docker-compose exec iris iris session iris
%SYS>set ss=##class(Security.System).%OpenId("SYSTEM")
%SYS>set ss.PasswordValidationRoutine="CHECK^PASSWORD"
%SYS>write ss.%Save()
Or add a parameter through the interface:
Password validation routine
Step 1:
Be logged into github and download PASSWORD.mac
Step 2:
Import and compile PASSWORD.mac into the %SYS namespace.
Step 3:
Configure the instance to use PASSWORD routine
USER>zn "%SYS"
%SYS>set ss=##class(Security.System).%OpenId("SYSTEM")
%SYS>set ss.PasswordValidationRoutine="CHECK^PASSWORD"
%SYS>write ss.%Save()
Step 5:
Confirm setting in Management Portal
System Administration > Security > System Wide Parameters > “Password validation routine” should say “CHECK^PASSWORD”
Step 6:
Test by making a new password for a user. This logs the password into the secure log location.
Then, try to change the password for this user again, but making the password the same as the first one.
You should see the error “This password has already been used.”