Initial Release
The purpose of this repo is to show how to upgrade your IRIS deployment from Burstable QoS to Guaranteed QoS.
Note the additions in Guaranteed.yaml (Guaranteed QoS) and compare to vanillaIRIS.yaml (Burstable QoS).
For an example with sidecars see GuaranteedMirrored.yaml.
Per Kubernetes Docs on QoS:
For a Pod to be given a QoS class of Guaranteed:
Note that this includes initContainers and sidecars. Assuming we deploy with useIrisFsGroup: false in IKO values.yaml this means that initContainers will be present.
Hence we must set their limits & requests for both memory & cpu.
You can confirm your QoS Class on the pod of your choice with the following:
kubectl describe pod <pod name> -n <namespace>
and towards the bottom note:
QoS Class: {BestEffort|Burstable|Guaranteed}