Home Applications Healthcare HL7 XML

Healthcare HL7 XML

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Healthcare HL7 XML (also known as ITB or Ensemble HL7 XML) is an application you can install in InterSystems Healthcare products to handle HL7 v.2.x messages in XML format.

What's new in this version

  • Fixed installation issues
  • Fixed pre/post 2024 ReadRawDataStream / GetFieldStreamRaw in ITB.HL7.Format.HL7XMLv2

Healthcare HL7 XML (also known as ITB or Ensemble HL7 XML) is an application you can install in InterSystems Healthcare products to handle HL7 v.2.x messages in XML format.

What is included?

Healthcare HL7 XML includes Business Services and Operations you can use in your productions to handle ER7 and XML HL7 messages in the same way.

Quick Start

Run a quick test using a test docker environment and have a look at the examples. You can use VSCode, see some tutorials.

  1. Clone the repository:
git clone https://github.com/intersystems-ib/Healthcare-HL7-XML
  1. Build and run the sample environment. This will run an InterSystems IRIS For Health with Healthcare HL7 XML installed
docker-compose build
docker-compose up

You can access now to the Management Portal using superuser/ SYS.

  1. Go to ITB.Production.TestXMLHL7File production and start the production.

  2. Send some sample messages. In the directory you downloaded the code, copy some files from /samples into /samples/input

  3. See the messages in the production and have a look at /samples/output


Healthcare HL7 XML supports:

  • InterSystems IRIS For Health version >= 2020.1.
  • Health Connect version >= 2020.1.

You can still download deprecated releases(https://github.com/intersystems-ib/healthcare-hl7-xml/releases) compatible with older versions.


  1. Install IPM package manager if you don’t have already done it.
  2. Create or switch to the namespace you want install the package.
  3. Install Healthcare-HL7-XML using ipm:
TEST> zpm "install healthcare-hl7-xml"

Getting Started

Simple Conversions

Conversions between ER7 and XML format can be made using ITB.HL7.Util.Convert class.

ER7 to XML

TEST>set er7=##class(EnsLib.HL7.Message).ImportFromFile("/app/unittest/hl7/2.5_ORMO01.hl7", .sc)
TEST>set er7.DocType = er7.chooseDocType(.desc)
TEST>set xml = ##class(ITB.HL7.Util.Convert).ER7ToXML(er7,.sc)
TEST>write sc
TEST>write xml.Read()
<ORM_O01 xmlns="urn:hl7-org:v2xml"><MSH><MSH.1>|</MSH.1><MSH.2>^~\&amp;</MSH.2><MSH.3><HD.1>hphis</HD.1></MSH.3><MSH.4><HD.1></HD.1></MSH.4><MSH.5><HD.1>EPIC</HD.1></MSH.5><MSH.7><TS.1>20131011093851</TS.1></MSH.7><MSH.9><MSG.1>ORM</MSG.1><MSG.2>O01</MSG.2></MSH.9><MSH.10>14AAACVDD</MSH.10><MSH.11><PT.1>P</PT.1></MSH.11><MSH.12><VID.1>2.5</VID.1></MSH.12><MSH.15>AL</MSH.15><MSH.16>NE</MSH.16></MSH><ORM_O01.PATIENT><PID><PID.2><CX.1>241900</CX.1></PID.2><PID.4><CX.1>MAPO0371545477</CX.1></PID.4><PID.5><XPN.1><FN.1>MEDIANO</FN.1></XPN.1><XPN.2>FOUAZ</XPN.2><XPN.3>TEST</XPN.3></PID.5><PID.7><TS.1>19740602</TS.1></PID.7><PID.8>M</PID.8><PID.11><XAD.1><SAD.1>CARRETERA ENTORNO DE PRUEBAS</SAD.1></XAD.1><XAD.3>SANT VICENT DELS HORTS</XAD.3><XAD.4>8</XAD.4><XAD.5>08620</XAD.5><XAD.6>724</XAD.6><XAD.8>1</XAD.8></PID.11><PID.13><XTN.1>123456789</XTN.1></PID.13><PID.14><XTN.1>123456789</XTN.1></PID.14><PID.19>08/03072889-52</PID.19><PID.20><DLN.1>52912868B</DLN.1></PID.20><PID.28><CE.1>724</CE.1></PID.28><PID.30>no</PID.30></PID><ORM_O01.PATIENT_VISIT><PV1><PV1.1>1</PV1.1><PV1.4>O</PV1.4><PV1.7><XCN.1>1105</XCN.1><XCN.2><FN.1>TORRA</FN.1></XCN.2><XCN.3>SANZ</XCN.3><XCN.4>JOAN</XCN.4></PV1.7><PV1.7><XCN.1>1105</XCN.1></PV1.7><PV1.8><XCN.1>1105</XCN.1><XCN.2><FN.1>TORRA</FN.1></XCN.2><XCN.3>SANZ</XCN.3><XCN.4>JOAN</XCN.4></PV1.8><PV1.8><XCN.1>1105</XCN.1></PV1.8><PV1.10>DIGC</PV1.10><PV1.17><XCN.1>1105</XCN.1><XCN.2><FN.1>TORRA</FN.1></XCN.2><XCN.3>SANZ</XCN.3><XCN.4>JOAN</XCN.4></PV1.17><PV1.17><XCN.1>1105</XCN.1></PV1.17><PV1.19><CX.1>302141984</CX.1></PV1.19><PV1.44><TS.1>20131011104000</TS.1></PV1.44></PV1></ORM_O01.PATIENT_VISIT></ORM_O01.PATIENT><ORM_O01.ORDER><ORC><ORC.1>NW</ORC.1><ORC.2><EI.1>2089258</EI.1></ORC.2><ORC.4><EI.1>1760391</EI.1></ORC.4><ORC.5>HD</ORC.5><ORC.7><TQ.6>1</TQ.6></ORC.7><ORC.9><TS.1>20131011093800000</TS.1></ORC.9><ORC.12><XCN.1>2214</XCN.1><XCN.2><FN.1>SERRANO</FN.1></XCN.2><XCN.3>LAIA</XCN.3></ORC.12><ORC.13><PL.1>CIRC</PL.1></ORC.13><ORC.16><CE.2>Motivo 1</CE.2></ORC.16></ORC><ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL><ORM_O01.ORDER_CHOICE><OBR><OBR.2><EI.1>2089258</EI.1></OBR.2><OBR.4><CE.1>1</CE.1><CE.2>Interconsulta</CE.2></OBR.4><OBR.10><XCN.2><FN.1>S/I</FN.1></XCN.2><XCN.3>S/I</XCN.3></OBR.10><OBR.16><XCN.1>2214</XCN.1><XCN.2><FN.1>SERRANO</FN.1></XCN.2><XCN.3>LAIA</XCN.3></OBR.16><OBR.19>CIRC</OBR.19><OBR.21>DIGH</OBR.21><OBR.27><TQ.6>1</TQ.6></OBR.27><OBR.31><CE.1>Motivo 2</CE.1></OBR.31></OBR></ORM_O01.ORDER_CHOICE><NTE><NTE.3>Notas de prueba.</NTE.3></NTE></ORM_O01.ORDER_DETAIL></ORM_O01.ORDER></ORM_O01>

Empty fields in HL7 XML

You can create an empty HL7 XML field by setting the value of the field to \X00\ in ER7.

For example, an ER7 like:


will be converted to XML as:


You can use the example in https://github.com/intersystems-ib/Healthcare-HL7-XML/blob/master/samples/EmptyFieldInXML.hl7.


TEST>set xml = ##class(%Stream.FileCharacter).%New()
TEST>set xml.Filename="/app/unittest/2.5_OBX5-ST.hl7.xml"
TEST>set er7=##class(ITB.HL7.Util.Convert).XMLToER7(xml,.sc,"2.5")
TEST>write sc
TEST>write er7.OutputToString()

Test Productions

Healthcare HL7 XML includes different productions in ITB.Production.* package which can be used to test HL7 XML components in an Interoperability production.

Production Description
ITB.Production.TestXMLHL7File Transform HL7 Files using ER7 / XML format. Understand this production moving to more complex scenarios
ITB.Production.TestXMLHL7SOAP Sample webservice that receives HL7 XML message as an incoming string
ITB.Production.TestXMLHL7HTTP HL7 XML files sent/received through HTTP
ITB.Production.TestXMLHL7TCP HL7 XML files sent/received through TCP
ITB.Production.TestXMLHL7TCPLoopback HL7 XML files sent/received through TCP (loopback)

Advanced options

Custom HL7 schemas

Lookup tables are used to map HL7 XML group names and EnsLib.HL7.Message group names:

  • Healthcare HL7 XML installation includes a lookup table for HL7 2.5 schema called hl7_2.5
  • Each HL7 schema used in XML format must include a lookup table with the name hl7_[schema]
  • For instance: if a custom HL7 schema called CUSTOM is used in XML format in a production, a hl7_CUSTOM lookup
    table must be created containing all needed mappings.

Segment fields with dynamic data structures

A segment field that has a dynamic data structure can be defined using a custom HL7 schema.
For instance: if it’s needed to have an OBX.5 field with a data structured defined by OBX.2 field:

  • Create a new HL7 schema copying 2.5.HL7 in Studio.
  • Mark the new HL7 schema as standard with std=1 to allow non-resolved data structure references.

  • Find OBX segment structure definition and change field 5 datatype to @2 that means that it will take the datatype defined in OBX.2.


This application is an open-source add-on for InterSystems HealthCare products and does not form part of the official release. InterSystems WRC technical assistance will not attend issues related with this application.

Made with
zpm install healthcare-hl7-xml download archive
3.6.002 Sep, 2024
Works with
InterSystems IRIS for HealthHealthShare
First published
17 Oct, 2018
Last edited
02 Sep, 2024
Last checked by moderator
25 Aug, 2024Works