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Health Insight Demo Examples

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Several COVID-19 dashboard examples using Tableau, and created using HeathShare Health Insight, which provides data modeling, analysis, and visualization tools. They can be opened using the free Tableau Reader application.

What's new in this version

View several COVID-19 dashboards created using HeathShare Health Insight connected to Tableau.

Tableau COVID-19 Dashboards

Example Tableau dashboards that display COVID-19-related analytics based on sample data in HealthShare Health Insight.

Dashboard Descriptions

This demo includes a set of COVID-19 demonstration dashboards that show how data in Health Insight (not real data, but test data) can be visualized using a 3rd party tool. In these examples we used Tableau®, but other 3rd party visualization tools can also be used.

Three dashboard examples are available.
The COVID-19 Test Result Dashboard displays information related to COVID-19 test results. Users can filter results on the dashboard by time range and by state.

The COVID-19 Map and Usage Dashboard displays a COVID-19 infection map, as well as graphs related to ECMO and ventilator usage. Users can filter results on the dashboard by time range.

The COVID-19 Syndromic Surveillance Dashboard displays several graphs that show the prevalence of certain symptoms that are correlated with COVID-19. Users can select which symptoms data counts to display, and can also restrict the results by state, age range, and gender.

Using the Demo

In order to open the Tableau dashboard files, download and install the free Tableau Reader app. Then, open each dashboard file using Tableau Reader. At the time this demo was created, the current version of Tableau Reader was 2020.3.

These files are provided as examples only, and are not a part of the supported Health Insight product.

Heat Map Widget for IRIS InterSystems BI

This widget uses a Google Maps API to create heat map visualizations using zip code data.

Widget Description

The heat map widget can be downloaded and installed to extend IRIS InterSystems Business Intelligence (formerly known as DeepSee) to render a heat map using zip code data that is translated to lattitude and longitude coordinates using a Google Maps API. The widget is available for download and use at no cost. The Google Cloud Service to use the Google Maps API must be licensed from Google directly to provide an API key, which is saved as a parameter when using the widget. Licensing is the responsibility of each organization providing use of this widget.

Two files, the heatMap.cls and heatMapView.cls should be downloaded and installed.

1.0.521 Oct, 2020
Technology Example
Works with
HealthShareInterSystems IRIS for Health
First published
07 Oct, 2020
Last edited
21 Oct, 2020