Fix FHIR server port
This is a Clinical Viewer as a mindmap
Open IRIS for Health installation with IPM client installed. Call in any namespace:
USER>zpm "install clinical-mindmap-viewer"
This will install FHIR server in FHIRSERVER namespace.
Or call the following for installing programmatically:
set sc=$zpm("install clinical-mindmap-viewer")
Clone/git pull the repo into any local directory
$ git clone
Open the terminal in this directory and run:
$ docker-compose up -d
Go to http://localhost:32783/mindmap/index.html
This app goes with 5 preloaded patents in /data/fhir folder which are being loaded during docker build
You can generate more patients doing the following. Open shel terminal in repository folder and call:
#./ 10
this will create 10 more patients in data/fhir folder.
Then open IRIS terminal in FHIRSERVER namespace with the following command:
docker-compose exec iris iris session iris -U FHIRServer
and call the loader method:
FHIRSERVER>d ##class(fhirtemplate.Setup).LoadPatientData("/irisdev/app/output/fhir","FHIRSERVER","/fhir/r4")
with using the following project
Open URL http://localhost:32783/fhir/r4/metadata
you should see the output of fhir resources on this server
Get fhir resources metadata
GET call for http://localhost:32783/fhir/r4/metadata
Open Postman and make a GET call for the preloaded Patient:
the very basic frontend app with search and get calls to Patient and Observation FHIR resources could be found here:
or from VSCode ObjectScript menu:
While open the page you will see search result for female anemic patients and graphs a selected patient’s hemoglobin values:
InterSystems IRIS FHIR Documentation
Developer Community FHIR section